Wednesday, November 7, 2012

#38 Lord of War

#38 Lord of War
Year: 2005
Director: Andrew Niccol
MPAA Rating:
Epic Co-stars: Ethan Hawke, Jared Leto, Bridget Moynahan
Running Time: 122 minutes
Cage Time: 100%
Cage Kills/Deaths: 6 billion
Cage Flip-outs: 0
Special Guest Review By the Die Hard Cage fan simply known as "Steve": 

"Normally I don't bother to count the Cage flip-outs because I quickly run out of fingers to count on. This time I was easily able to keep track of them, there weren't any! He even manages to keep his cool after getting shot and even after his brother gets killed.

Just another day at the office for a typical business man.
There were plenty of plot holes to go around, such as stripping the plane down to its skeleton in one night, including removal of 4 massive engines and numerous gallons of jet fuel.  This movie was mildly entertaining and was supposed to have a message regarding governments supplying arms to various conflicts around the globe, but in the end is a fairly forgettable movie. I know, because it wasn't till there were about 30 minutes left in the movie that I realized I had seen it a couple years ago."

Unfortunately for us, Cage plays the most calm Ukrainian in the history of loud angry Ukrainians.

A few things you in for in the two hours after you push play are...
  • Great opening sequence, life of a bullet including the ending when it hits a kid in the face. 
  • Hot chick walking on jets at German defense show.  
  • Nicolas Cage (Yuri Olav) scrapes cash up while children are being shot next to him with his guns.  
  • A Badass office located in a shipping container.  
  • Nic Cage lets his brother snort a kg of Coke.  
Cage figures out why you should never let your brother snort a kg of Coke.
  • AK-47 is the best gun ever.  
  • Ethan Hawke looks like Christian Bale in the Machinist.  But unlike Christian Bale, Ethan Hawke unfortunately looks like this all the time.
  • A Free gun give-away from the back of a plane.  
  • Cool shot with a plan being disassembled overnight.
  • Snorts Coke mixed with gun powder.  Falls in to a drug induced haze and ends up hanging out with Hyenas in the desert.
  • If you only have one phone call, call your lawyer not your wife.
  • Cage is just a cog in a much larger arms dealing machine controlled by the US government.
  • Nic Cage looks at the camera and talks.

Movie quotability:
  • "The first time you sell a gun is like the first time having sex.  It's really exciting and somehow it's over way too fast."
  • "This is shit.  This is shit."
  • "Faster or I'll send your ASS! IN!"
  • "I don't believe in fate..."
  • "It's not 'lord of war,' it's 'warlord.'"
  • "Any friend of my brother's is a... friend of my brother's."
  • "The only problem with an honest buck is they're so hard to make - the margins are too low, too many people are doin' it."
  • "At four and a half months old, a human fetus has a reptile's tail, a remnant of our evolution. And maybe that's what I can't escape. You can fight a lot of enemies and survive, but if you fight your own biology, you will always lose."

Plot Holes:
  • Nicolas Cage talks on the phone to speed talkers.  Based on his replies nobody on earth could talk that fast.
  • 30 minutes after being shot in the abdomen Nic Cage is seemingly unfazed for no other reason than that he is NIC CAGE!
  • Simultaneously night time in both Ukraine and New York.
  • Africans holding baskets can't hear airplanes 100 yards away.
  • Ethan Hawke chases Nic Cage all over the world and continually lets him go on technicalities.
  • [SPOILER] Nic Cage's wife thinks her husband is selling arms, so she brings her 4 year old son with her to trail him and discover his awesome shipping container lair.

Exceeds Expectations
!Put down her book for the last 30 minutes of the CAGE!


Ride the Snake said...

In the cage since 4/20/12
Good movie. Nothing negative. Good story and Nick was good.

James Ayers said...

How was Nic Cage's hair in the movie? What about his range a facial expressions? These details should not be overlooked.

Rilifon said...

Review #6

Well, this is one of those serious NIc Cage movies.
I enjoyed it at lot, and found CAge's acting to be really professional, but you get that weird felling when a Nic Cage movie makes you think about serious stuff like war, moral values and carrying a small container with cocaine every you go jsut in case your brother is around.
I would say the Cage factor isnt high, but I don't think that really was purpose of this movie.

Overall, it was a enjoyable experience, but maybe too much a good movie and not too much Cage kicking people.
I'm just wondering what you guys will put in Cage kills, one or a billion ?

Grade: 7.8/10

Steve M said...

Normally I don't bother to count the Cage flip-outs because I quickly run out of fingers to count on. This time I was easily able to keep track of them, there weren't any! He even manages to keep his cool after getting shot and even after his brother gets killed.

There were plenty of plot holes to go around, such as stripping the plane down to its skeleton in one night, including removal of 4 massive engines and numerous gallons of jet fuel.

This movie was mildly entertaining and was supposed to have a message regarding governments supplying arms to various conflicts around the globe, but in the end is a fairly forgettable movie. I know, because it wasn't till there were about 30 minutes left in the movie that I realized I had seen it a couple years ago.

KaBluie said...

#52 Lord Of War (2005) YouTube, First Time View. I really enjoyed this one!

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